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Setting up the updater is quite straight forward.

Base Setup

Create a structure like this in your resources. We will configure our updater to update a postgres database.

└── database                # The database directory holds all information
    ├── postgresql          # All script for postgresql are stored here
    │   └── 1               # All scripts for 1.x are contained in this directory
    │       └── setup.sql   # The initial setup of the database 
    └── version             # The current database version. Currently 1.0

Of course, you can add scripts for multiple databases. All database directories need all setup and other scripts.


While they need the scripts, those scripts may be empty.

Setting the version

To set the version simply enter a major and patch version separated by a dot in your version file.


Adding the setup script

Enter all your queries for the initial database setup into the setup.sql file.

For our example we add a simple table we want to deploy:

CREATE TABLE dev_schema.test
    id   SERIAL,
    name TEXT,
    age  INTEGER
); -- Make sure to end your statement with a semicolon