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Migrate from queries v1 to v2

Queries 2 is a complete replacement for the old queries module. While it is the successor, there are some features that are not implemented on purpose in v2.

Migrating QueryFactory and QueryBuilderConfig

The functionality of the QueryFactory and QueryBuilderConfig are merged into QueryConfiguration.

The builder() method is now either Query.query(String) or QueryConfiguration#query(String).

Migrating calls to builder()

The type is no longer declared in builder(). Just remove it.

Migrating calls to query()

Nothing changed for passing queries.

Migrating getKey()

the getKey Option is now available via the insertAndGetKeys method. All keys will always be resolved.

Migrating async calls

It wasn't really the scope to support threading in sadu. Therefore, this feature was removed. Use Completable futures yourself on the correct level to restore that functionality.

Migrating atomic multi query calls

v1 executed all appended queries in one transaction, v2 doesn't do this anymore. To do this you have to create a connected configuration. Look at the examples for that.

Regex migration

You can speed up migration by a lot using these regular expressions:

Replace Replacement
builder\(.*?\)\s*\. (this is a space)
\.(setInt\|setString\|setLong\|\|setBoolean\|setEnum\|setTimestamp)\( .bind(
\.parameter\(\w+ -> \w+ .single(call()
\.setUuidAsBytes\((.+?)\) .bind($1, UUID_BYTES)
getUuidFromBytes\((.*?)\) get($1, UUID_BYTES)
\s*\.sendSync\(\) (this is a space)
readRow map
firstSync first
allSync all
queryWithoutParams\((.+?)\) query($1).single()
de.chojo.sadu.wrapper.util.Row de.chojo.sadu.mapper.wrapper.Row
emptyParams\(\) single()
extends QueryFactory (this is empty)
import de.chojo.sadu.base.QueryFactory; import static;\nimport static de.chojo.sadu.queries.api.query.Query.query;

Python script

To make your life easier, I created an extensive python script, that does 95% of the work for you.

Copy it into the root of your project and execute it. Of course, it requires python to be installed.

import os
import re
import sys

def add_import(curr: str, append):
    return re.sub(r"(package .+?;)", r"\1\n" + append, curr)

def replace_in_files(folder):
    replacements = {
             lambda x: add_import(x, 'import static de.chojo.sadu.queries.api.query.Query.query;')],
        r'\.(setInt|setString|setLong|setBoolean|setDouble|setEnum|setTimestamp)\(': '.bind(',
        r'\.parameter\(\w+ -> \w+':
             lambda x: add_import(x, "import static;")],
            [r'.bind(\1, UUID_BYTES)',
             lambda x: add_import(x,
                                  "import static de.chojo.sadu.queries.converter.StandardValueConverter.UUID_BYTES;")],
            [r'get(\1, UUID_BYTES)',
             lambda x: add_import(x,
                                  "import static de.chojo.sadu.queries.converter.StandardValueConverter.UUID_BYTES;")],
        r'\s*\.sendSync\(\)': ' ',
        r'\.all\((.*?(\(\)?))\)': '.all() /* TODO: Wrap with CompletableFuture.supplyAsync */',
        r'\.first\(\)': '.first() /* TODO: Wrap with CompletableFuture.supplyAsync */',
        r'readRow': 'map',
        r'firstSync': 'first',
        r'allSync': 'all',
        r'queryWithoutParams\((.+?)\)': r'query(\1).single()',
        r'de\.chojo\.sadu\.wrapper\.util\.Row': 'de.chojo.sadu.mapper.wrapper.Row',
        r'emptyParams\(\)': 'single()',
        r'extends QueryFactory': '',
        r'import de\.chojo\.sadu\.base\.QueryFactory;': '',
        r'import de.chojo.sadu.wrapper.QueryBuilderConfig;': '',
        r'.append()': '.append() /* TODO: Append is no longer supported.\nUse a single transaction configuration instead.\nIf you are submitting in a for loop consider a batch statement instead.*/',
        r'de.chojo.sadu.databases.SqLite': 'de.chojo.sadu.sqlite.databases.SqLite',
        r'de.chojo.sadu.databases.MariaDb': 'de.chojo.sadu.mariadb.databases.MariaDb',
        r'de.chojo.sadu.databases.PostgreSql': 'de.chojo.sadu.postgresql.databases.PostgreSql',
        r'de.chojo.sadu.databases.MySql': 'de.chojo.sadu.mysql.databases.MySql',

    for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith('.java'):
                file_path = subdir + os.sep + file
                with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
                    file_contents =
                for src, target in replacements.items():
                    if isinstance(target, str):
                        file_contents = re.sub(src, target, file_contents)
                    if isinstance(target, list):
                        before = hash(file_contents)
                        file_contents = re.sub(src, target[0], file_contents)
                        after = hash(file_contents)
                        if len(target) > 1 and before != after:
                            file_contents = target[1](file_contents)

                with open(file_path, 'w') as f:

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    folder = sys.argv[1]
    folder = os.getcwd()